Frequently Asked Questions

Home Garden

A: Firstly, Phosphorus (P) is an essential plant nutrient and critical for successful flowering and reproduction. Most plant species acquire their P needs by root interception and diffusion of soluble P from the soil solution however some Australian Native plants are highly sensitive and can be damaged by even small additions of fertiliser P.

The idea that P could be “hazardous” for flowering perennials and Australian Native plants seems to be based upon peoples experience with highly soluble, synthetic sources of P and frequent or heavy application rates of composted or raw manures. It is too easy to over-dose your garden with too much of any fertiliser as the treated areas are small and product s are not always measured accurately.

Excessive P build-up in the soil can cause problems with availability and uptake of other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and trace elements. Movement of excess P not used by plants into waterways can cause algal blooms and eutrophication. The overuse of P fertilisers in home gardens is detrimental to mycorrhizal fungi, a special group of beneficial microbes, that normally assist perennial plants with P nutrition.

Around 90% of the natural Phosphorus in BioGuano+™ is present in the citrate-soluble and citrate-insoluble form and is slowly available through the action of root enzymes and microbial exudates. In this way, the Phosphorus in BioGuano+™ is liberated when the plants’ need it most and at a rate that mirrors the developing root system and growth rate of the plant. BioGuano+™ used at label rates will not harm mycorrhizal fungi or other soil biota. There is no excess of soluble P available for movement and leaching into waterways

Feedback from users is that most Australian Native plant species, from seedlings to established plants, thrive on BioGuano+™ liquid fertiliser as a foliage and soil “drip-to-drench” application. In general Grevilleas, Hakeas and some Kangaroo Paw species are known to be more sensitive to additional P applications.

The key point here is to READ and HEED the BioGuano+™ label directions for best results. Gardeners wanting excellent results need to ensure they provide adequate P in their fertiliser programs without creating a phosphorus excess for the particular species they are growing.

General Directions for Use is 1.5 mL/L of water for most Australian Natives and general foliar applications and 3 mL/L for all other plant species. For complete application rates and directions, view the BioGuano+™ label on our website or read the complete label on the 1 and 5 Litre bottles.

A: The best and easiest way to use BioGuano+™ liquid fertiliser in any garden is the “drench-to-drip” technique. You can use a spray-on hose attachment, a knapsack or pressurised hand sprayer or a watering can and the only difference is the amount of water you are using to get complete coverage of the foliage while creating run-off so the soil and roots get some fertiliser too.

Most gardeners use drench-to-drip at some stage because it is a simple way to apply a liquid fertiliser as a supplement during the growing season.

BioGuano+™ is an excellent source of natural phosphorus, calcium, silicon, magnesium, potassium and a wide range of Ocean minerals complexed with a generous dose of seaweed extract and fulvic acid. BioGuano™ is an excellent flowering and fruiting fertiliser but will also condition your soil and help beneficial soil microbes flourish.

The BioGuano+™ drench-to-drip application rate is 3 mL/L over 2m2.

Some innovative ways to get more out of BioGuano+™ liquid fertiliser:

Seed treatments – use a few drops of BioGuano™ to coat seeds before planting. Allow to dry in the shade if you are storing treated seeds.
Transplanting stimulant – use 1.5 mL/L to transplanting water and use to water a new transplant.
Natural plant resilience – foliar spray every 10-14 days at 1.5 mL/L to strengthen foliage against environmental stress and damage from pests and disease.

Commercial Growing

A: BioGuano liquid fertilisers help farmers increase the yield, taste and quality of their crops and are convenient to use on any crop, at any time of the year. BioGuano liquid fertilisers are a rich source of plant-available phosphorus and calcium, essential plant nutrients that help young plants establish a good root system and initiate flowering and fruiting. Used regularly through the growing season, BioGuano liquid fertilisers continue to supply the phosphorus and calcium that plants require every day to drive efficient photosynthesis and build strong, resilient plant structure.

BioGuano liquid fertilisers are suitable for use as cost-effective seed treatments, transplanting dips, in-furrow liquid inject, fertigation and foliar applications to extend the many benefits of season-long phosphorus and calcium nutrition.

A: BioGuano liquid fertiliser provides improved phosphorus nutrition for your crops and this can lead to improved Brix levels, a direct measure of photosynthetic efficiency and productive capacity.

A large proportion of the phosphorus present in BioGuano liquid fertilisers is citrate-soluble (~75% of total P) and is liberated for plant uptake by the combined action of root enzymes and exudates of microbes in the rhizosphere. In this way, the significant citrate-soluble fraction provides a mechanism for extended phosphorus availability that closely responds to the plants’ developmental requirements.

The water-soluble phosphorus in BioGuano liquid fertilisers (~10% total P) helps initiate early growth and establishment before the root system becomes extensive. The remaining citrate-insoluble phosphorus fraction (~15% of total P) contributes to soil reserves that become available over a longer time frame.

By comparison, synthetic phosphorus fertilisers have an inherent downside associated with the high levels of water-soluble P and adverse soil cation reactions affecting availability within weeks of application.

A: BioGuano liquid fertilisers are suitable for use as cost-effective seed treatments, transplanting dips, in-furrow liquid inject, fertigation and foliar applications to extend the many benefits of season-long phosphorus and calcium nutrition.

Being high in plant-available calcium, farmers can use BioGuano™ liquid fertilisers as an alternative, nitrate-free, calcium source and are the ideal choice after fruit or seed set to promote balanced growth, maturity and shelf-life.

Introducing BioGuano™ liquid fertilisers into a nutrition program is quite straight forward as they are easy to mix with water and are compatible with many soluble fertilisers and trace elements.

Some harmless product residues may persist on foliage after foliar application of BioGuano liquid fertilisers. If this could be an issue at harvest, avoid foliar sprays close to harvest and maintain a fertigation program.

A: BioGuano liquid fertilisers are suspension concentrates based on ultra-fine powders with relatively low solubility. While BioGuano™ liquid fertilisers will mix easily with water, we advise to pre-mix with a minimum dilution of 1 part BioGuano liquid fertiliser to minimum 3 parts water, and add pre-mix slowly while maintaining agitation in fertigation or spray tank.

Use all the diluted product on the same day as mixing and flush equipment briefly after use to ensure that nothing remains in tanks, hoses, drippers or nozzles.

The average particle size of 5 microns (0.005 mm or 2500 mesh) ensures that a BioGuano suspension will pass through drippers, filters and nozzles easily. As a guide, use a 35 mesh (500 micron) filter with hollow cone or 05-08 wide angle flat fan nozzles for foliar sprays, or Flood-jets and boom-less nozzles when treating larger areas, like hilly country and pastures, at low water rates.

On farm water quality and application rates are variable and something we have no control over. We recommend you do a small bucket compatibility test prior to full application.

A: BioGuano liquid fertilisers are ultra-fine particles of low solubility minerals in a stable, liquid suspension. The formulation also includes kelp and humates to improve uptake and chelate any soluble components, avoiding precipitation interactions.

As such BioGuano™ liquid fertilisers are compatible with many soluble fertilisers and trace elements including soluble calcium and sulphate-based fertilisers. As a guide, start agitation in the tank or vat before mixing the BioGuano™ first. Then add the other fertilisers, preferably pre-diluted, or washed through the top screen of the tank or vat.

On farm water quality and application rates are variable and something we have no control over. Compatibility and/or performance cannot be guaranteed when combined with other products and when water quality varies. Jar test for compatibility and spray test on small area before full scale application.

A: BioGuano Commercial and BioGuano™ KMS are both certified organic and based on liquid seabird guano, however, BioGuano™ KMS has additional minerals as potassium, magnesium and sulphate sulphur. Because liquid guano is a significant component of both products, the phosphorus and calcium analyses are very similar.

Rates of application and directions for use remain the same for both products and the decision to use either BioGuano™ Commercial or BioGuano™ KMS comes down to the type of crop you grow, the stage of the growing season or the need to supplement soil fertility.

In general, BioGuano™ Commercial is used early in the season to focus on establishment, healthy root systems and flowering, then changing over to BioGuano™ KMS after fruit set for the additional potassium, magnesium and sulphur to move sugars and fill the crop.